Hands On

Mapping and IGV

Mapping and dealing with samtools and IGV.

Right, so we have already generated statistics for our raw data, assembled it with two different assemblers and even done a BLAST search to try to identify what we have assembled. Those are all good metrics to check our assembly.

Another metric commonly used is to map all the reads back to our assembly and determine the percentage of mapping. As this was the data we inputted to assemble the contigs, we want that most of the reads mapped back to it, if not, it raises a red flag to us about the sanity of our assembly. So let’s learn how to use two new tools: minimap2 and samtools.

Choose one of your two assembly results (or run for both) and go to its directory (cd ~/<species_folder>/<hifiasm/hicanu>/). Identify the raw reads (<species_id>.600.fasta) you have used to produce that assembly. Identify the assembly file. And let’s run minimap2 to map the reads against the assembly.

However, before running minimap2 activate our conda environment:

conda activate eukaryotic_genome_assembly

Now you should be ready to run minimap2. Try:


See the help message? Then let’s run it:

minimap2 -t 1 --secondary=no -ax map-pb <contigs_fasta> <raw_reads>.fasta -o <outputname_you_chose>.sam

Where <contigs_fasta> should be your assembly and <raw_reads>.fasta the sequencing reads used to build the assembly.

Right. As soon as it finishes, we are going to use a tool called samtools to manipulate the output file:

samtools view -h -Sb <outputname_you_chose>.sam -o <outputname_you_chose>.bam
samtools sort <outputname_you_chose>.bam -o <outputname_you_chose>.sorted.bam
samtools index <outputname_you_chose>.sorted.bam

Right. What we did above was (i) to convert the output mapped file from the format sam to bam, then we (ii) sorted this file and (iii) created an index for it. This will be a standard procedure most of the time that you will be producing and visualizing a mapping: samtools view, sort and index. The BAM file is basically a binary representation of the SAM file, holding all of its information but taking a lot less disk space. Having the mapping file sorted and then creating an index for it will allow downstream tools (such as genome browsers, like IGV) to read those files much more efficiently, and that’s why many downstream softwares will assume your mapping file is sorted and indexed. To know more about samtools, go to its webpage

Now, we want to visualize one contig with the reads mapped to back to it. So we need to extract one contig from the <outputname_you_chose>.sorted.bam file (which contains mappings for all contigs assembled). Extracting the mapping information from a specific contig will make it easier/faster to load that information on IGV, which is the software we’ll use to inspect our contig. The steps for doing the extraction are:

  1. Extract the fasta file for the contig you have chosen and make an index for it (samtools faidx);
  2. Extract a bam file for one contig from <outputname_you_chose>.sorted.bam and create an index for it (samtools index);

Bellow you see the steps detailed:

Let’s get the fasta first: First let’s list the descriptions of all our contigs by grepping the lines that contain the > character:

grep ">" <contigs_fasta> 

Attention :exclamation:
Quoting the > character is needed here since an unquoted > would be interpreted as the redirection mechanism by the shell. Quoting the patterns to be searched by grep is actually a good practice.

The output of the grep command will print to the screen the names of all your assembled contigs. Choose one and create a file with it’s ID. Let’s say my grep result looks like this:


Attention :exclamation:
Remember from our FASTA class: the contig ID will be everything that comes before the first whitespace in the description of the sequence. For instance, given a contig whose description line is >ContigX Some Other Info, the contig ID will be just ContigX.

So for this example I’ll choose Contig1 (although it does not necessarily exist in your assembly file: choose any contig that does exist there). To create a text file that contains this ID we can use nano. We need a text file with the ID because the next script we are going to use to extract the contig needs it as an input.

nano contig_id

Nano will open a empty file for you. Inside it type the ID of the contig you have chosen, in my case this will be Contig1. Then to save the file in nano you need to press Ctrl+O. After saving the changes you are ready to quit nano and go back to the terminal by pressing Ctrl+X.

For the Contig1 example, the content of the contig_id file should look like:


Now, let’s run our script filterfasta.py, that will extract that contig from our assembly result.

First, copy the script to your working directory:

cp ~/Share/scripts/filterfasta.py .

Then run it:

python filterfasta.py -i <contig_id> <contigs_fasta> > <contig_ID>.fasta

Right. Now use the less command to inspect the file <contig_ID>.fasta.

less <contig_ID>.fasta

less you allow you to browse through the lines using the up/down keys. Once you are happy navigating through the file, you can quit from less by pressing the q key.

Now let’s create an index for our contig fasta file. The index file will hold some information about the sequence, such as its ID, length and number of characters per line.

samtools faidx <contig_ID>.fasta

If you list your directory now, do you see a <contig_ID>.fasta.fai file there as well? Great!

Then extract a BAM file only for this contig (with the samtools view command) and create a index for it:

samtools view -b -h <outputname_you_chose>.sorted.bam <contig_ID> > <contig_ID>.bam
samtools index <contig_ID>.bam

Now you have four files you must download to your local machine to open them on IGV:

  • Your contig fasta file (<contig_ID>.fasta)
  • Your contig fasta.fai file (<contig_ID>.fasta.fai)
  • Your contig bam file (<contig_ID>.bam)
  • Your contig bam.bai file (<contig_ID>.bai)

Take your time…

On IGV, on the top, click on Genomes > Load Genome from File and add your fasta file. Then click on File > Load from File to include your bam file. And… you are done!!!

Let’s play with IGV a bit (alone and as a group).


But, how can I see how many reads have mapped to all my contigs? A few ways. Minimap2 would have printed you some log files while it was running. You can also run samtools flagstat on the mapping files:

samtools flagstat <outputname_you_chose>.sorted.bam
samtools flagstat <contig_ID>.bam

You can learn more about samtools flagstat and its output on its official documentation. You can also find some useful definitions (e.g. what a secondary mapping is) in the SAM specification document, especifically in the topic 1.2 Terminologies and Concepts.


Let’s discuss the results!